MDCAT 2024 Syllabus & Test Pattern [New Rules]

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Dreaming of a career in medicine? The MDCAT is your gateway to medical colleges in Pakistan. This guide provides everything you need to know related to MDCAT Paper Pattern 2024-25 and MDCAT Registration Process 2024-25 and also MDCAT Syllabus 2024 to conquer the exam and achieve your MBBS dream.


MDCAT 2024-25 Test Format

  • Time Duration: Three hours and 30 minutes.
  • 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):
  • Negative Marking: Not applicable to the MDCAT 2024-2025.

MDCAT 2024-25 Paper Pattern

SubjectNumber of MCQs
Logical Reasoning6
CriteriaMedical CollegesDental Colleges
Difficulty Level
Cognition Level
Passing Marks55% (110 out of 200)45% (90 out of 200)

Key Dates and Eligibility

  • MDCAT Test Date 2024-25: August 27 (Nationally)
  • Registration: August 8th – 17th (Online)
  • Eligibility: Open to all Pakistanis (including overseas) and foreign nationals. No minimum FSc/HSSC score required.

MDCAT Response Form

  • The test is to be answered on a specialized, double-sheeted, pre-printed and bar-coded Response Form (Bubble Sheet).
  • The candidate is NOT allowed to detach the two sheets of response form before the test is over.
  • Don’t fold or tear the response form. Each candidate shall be issued only one response form.
MDCAT paper design image showing MDCAT response form design.

Wrong / Correct Way of Marking Answer

The method given below is the correct way to fill in MCQ bubbles on a bubble sheet. Otherwise, your MCQs will be considered wrong. Read More👉 How to fill Roll Number in MDCAT Response Form

how to fill answers bubbles in mdcat

MDCAT Registration

1. Register Online:

  • Visit the official registration portal.
  • Enter your email and register.

2. Complete Application:

  • Fill out the application with personal and academic details.
  • Upload required documents (photo, ID, passport/CNIC/B-Form/NICOP).

3. Pay Exam Fee:

  • Submit the application to generate a fee challan.
  • Pay the fee at designated banks (HBL, ABL, MCB).
  • Upload a copy of the paid fee challan.

4. Finalize Submission:

  • Review all information carefully.
  • Submit your application electronically.

5. Schedule Exam (if applicable):

  • Login to your account during the scheduling window.
  • Choose your exam date and time based on availability (first-come, first-served).

MDCAT Syllabus

The MDCAT syllabus for 2024 consists of biology, chemistry, physics, and logical reasoning. Read the whole syllabus carefully. See each topic clearly and use reliable resources to prepare these topics. 

mdcat syllabus 2024

Note: Click on the “Generate Download” first. After this, the “Download button” will become active and you can click it to download the MDCAT Syllabus.

How to Prepare for the MD&CAT 2024-25

Scoring High

  • Master the Syllabus: Focus on the PMDC-approved syllabus for all subjects.
  • Conceptual Understanding: Rote memorization won’t suffice. Develop a deep understanding of concepts.
  • Strategic Preparation: Utilize textbooks, recommended resources, and practice tests effectively.
  • Time Management: Practice solving MCQs within the time limit to build speed and accuracy.
  • Stay Calm: Manage stress with relaxation techniques and a positive mindset.

Preparation Resources

  • MDCAT Books: Utilize reputable resources like the Kips MDCAT Books etc alongside your provincial textbooks.
  • Mock Tests: Take advantage of free mock tests offered during registration to assess your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Past Papers: Practice MCQs from MDCAT Past Papers for more understanding
  • Online Resources: Explore for additional practice materials and guidance.

MDCAT Test Centers

Entry into the Test Centre

(i) The centres shall open for candidates at 08:00 A.M. and shall be closed/sealed at 09:00 A.M. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the centre after that. All candidates are advised to identify exact location of their centres a day earlier.

Candidates are required to bring documents with them before going to the test centers for MDCAT.

(ii) The candidates must bring with them:
(a) Original CNIC/NICOP/JC/Passport/B-Form (Photocopies are not acceptable). Please bring the same document with which you registered for MDCAT-2024-25;
(b) A print-outs of Admittance Card issued by the University;
(c) A clean and transparent clip board with nothing written on it;
(d) Two blue ball point pens (not pointers, markers, pencils, gel pens, ink pens, etc.);
(e) A small (500 ml) transparent bottle of drinking water.
Note: A candidate who fails to bring Original CNIC/NICOP/JC/Passport/B-Form and print-out of his/her Admittance Card shall not be allowed to appear in the test. Candidates who have some sort of mistake in their name, father’s name, CNIC number or photograph because of wrong entry at the time of registration, they must bring with them an original Photo ID (e.g., CNIC/Passport/Matriculation Certificate, etc.).

National VenuesInternational Venues
LahoreSaudi Arabia
DI KhanBahrain
Nawab Shah
Swat /Malakand
DG Khan
Mirpur (AJK)

Important Points

  • Rescheduling: Limited window for rescheduling due to emergencies during the exam period.
  • Provincial Variations: Exam schedule might differ slightly in Sindh and Balochistan due to floods.

MDCAT Aggregate Calculation

Merit for public medical colleges will be based on obtained marks in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry (science electives only) as per government policy. An aggregate score of 65% or more in HSSC is mandatory.

MDCAT Reaching Procedure

The MDCAT reaching procedure is simple and easy. Students can apply online and recheck if they find any errors in their results or marks below expectations. Read Complete Procedure How to apply for reaching and reasons why you should recheck your exam.

Private Medical Colleges

Private medical colleges may conduct their own admission tests.

Remember: Consistency, focus, and the right strategy are key to MDCAT success. Ready to embark on your medical journey? Start preparing today!

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Read More

MD&CAT Result By Name and Roll Number
MD CAT Rechecking Complete Procedure
MD CAT result check by name complete procedure.
Bs-Nursing Admissions
LUMS (Pakistan Top University) Complete Guidance
Md CAT Complete Registration Step by Step


What documents are required for candidates to bring to the MDCAT test center?

The candidates must bring with them:
(a) Original CNIC/NICOP/JC/Passport/B-Form (Photocopies are not acceptable). Please bring the same document with which you registered for MDCAT;
(b) A print-outs of Admittance Card issued by the University;
(c) A clean and transparent clip board with nothing written on it;
(d) Two blue ball point pens (not pointers, markers, pencils, gel pens, ink pens, etc.);
(e) A small (500 ml) transparent bottle of drinking water.

When is the MDCAT 2024-25 Test Date?

The MDCAT 2024-25 will be held on August 27th

How can I register for the MDCAT?

Registration Process is Online and Registration for the MDCAT will be online from August 8th to 17th.

Am I eligible to take the MDCAT if I am not a Pakistani citizen?

Yes, the MDCAT is open to all Pakistanis (including overseas) and foreign nationals.

What is the format of the MDCAT?

The MDCAT is a computer-based exam with 200 MCQs spread across Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Logical Reasoning.

What is the passing score for MDCAT?

The passing score for admission to medical colleges is 55% (110 out of 200), while the passing score for dental colleges is 45% (90 out of 200).

How can I best prepare for the MDCAT?

Focus on understanding the PMDC syllabus, utilize a mix of textbooks, recommended resources, and practice tests. Develop strong time management skills and manage stress effectively.

What are some good resources for MDCAT preparation?

Resources like the MDCAT Book by [goalmdcat].com (alongside provincial textbooks), free mock tests offered during registration, and educational websites can be helpful.

Is there a negative marking scheme for the MDCAT?

No, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers in the MDCAT.

Can I reschedule the MDCAT if something comes up?

Rescheduling is possible under limited circumstances during the exam period, typically for emergencies.

How will admission to medical colleges work after passing the MDCAT?

Public medical colleges will consider your marks in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry (science electives only) along with your MDCAT score for merit calculation. An aggregate score of 65% or more in HSSC is mandatory. Private medical colleges might have separate admission tests.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alina

    Everything is Fabolous in this thannku for guidance ❤️

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My name is Dr. Ali, and I am a third-year MBBS student. I am a passionate medical learner with extensive experience in MDCAT and other medical college entrance tests.