In this article, we will completely guide you (Medical aspirants) about the MDCAT Test Pattern. PMDC has set new rules and regulations for the MD CAT test, so if you are going to take the MDCAT, you need to know all about the paper pattern rules. So, read it carefully to score maximum in the MDCAT test and secure your admission in the medical field.

How to Fill Roll Number in Mdcat Test
The candidate shall fill his / her roll number on the Response Form in the following

The candidates are advised to practice at home how to fill in their roll numbers on
the Response Form so that there is no mistake at the time of the Test.
How to Enter Your Question Paper ID/Code
- There shall be Question Paper with different codes/IDs (e.g., A, B, C, and D) in which the questions and their responses are shuffled.
- The Question Paper code of each candidate is printed on the first page of his/her Question Paper Booklet.
- The candidates are only required to fill the correct circle in the Response Form against the first row of circles marked as ID as indicated in the figure:
- Failure to fill the ID properly as per the instructions shall lead to incorrect evaluation of the Response Form for which the University shall not be responsible.

Wrong / Correct Way of Marking Answer
The method given below is the correct way to fill in MCQ bubbles on a bubble sheet. Otherwise, your MCQs will be considered wrong.

MDCAT Total Marks
The Medical & Dental Colleges Admission Test (MD CAT) contains four subjects. mdcat total score in Pakistan are given below.
- ENGLISH with Logical Reasoning
BIOLOGY | 68 MCQ’s |
PHYSICS | 54 MCQ’s |
ENGLISH | 18 MCQ’s |
TOTAL | 200 MCQ’s |

Test Difficulty Level
Test Difficulty Level are predefined by PMDC
Easy 20% Moderate 60% Hard 20%
And through Mdcat past papers this thing is cleared that Most of Mcqs in Test are 70 percent Recall and 30 percent application type
MDCAT Test Time
It is a three and a half hour (210 minutes) pen and paper-based test. No extra time will be given to candidates. So, practice solving the complete test within this time
Important Rules ( Read Carefully )
- Response Form once issued shall not be changed on account of any mistake of the
- candidate
- Use blue ball point pen only to fill the appropriate circle on the Response Form. Answers marked with pencil or marker would not be evaluated.
- Total marks of the Test are 200. Each question carries 1 mark. For each correct response the candidate will get 1 mark
- There is no negative marking in test.
- More than one answer indicated against a question will be considered as incorrect response and no mark will be given.
- Rough work must NOT be done on the Response Form. It should be done at the end of the Question Paper on the blank page(s) specifically provided for the rough work.
- Punishment for Using Unfair Means Practice During the course of examination, before or after the examination if a candidate is found indulged in any of the above or similar practices, he/she shall be deemed to have used unfair practices and booked under UNFAIRMEANS (U.F.M.) case. The examination of such person shall be cancelled and his/her case shall be dealt according to the Examination Regulations of the University.
–> There will be four (04) responses for each of the question numbering 1 to 200 in
the test. The candidate will indicate his / her response to the question by filling the
appropriate circle completely with blue ball point pen. For example, if question
number 1 in the question paper reads as follows:
Q.1 The branch of Biology which deals with the study of use of living
organisms, systems and processes for the benefit of people is called.
A) Environmental Biology B) Biotechnology
C) Social Biology D) Microbiology
The correct response to this question is (B). The candidate will locate Question
Number 1 in the Response Form and fill the circle (B) as shown in the figure:

At the End of the Test
The candidate shall first return the upper, colored sheet of Response Form and
then the first page of the Question Paper to the invigilation staff and take the
lower, carbonized sheet as well as the question paper with him / her.
MDCAT Paper Pattern (Response Form)
- The test is to be answered on a specialized, double-sheeted, pre-printed and bar-coded Response Form (Bubble Sheet).
- The candidate is NOT allowed to detach the two sheets of response form before the test is over.
- Don’t fold or tear the response form. Each candidate shall be issued only one response form.

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Q: How many marks are allocated to each question in MDCAT 2023?
A: Each question in MDCAT 2023 carries 1 mark.
Is calculator allowed in MDCAT?
No, Calculator is not allowed in MDCAT.
Is MDCAT Necessary for BDS?
Yes, MDCAT is necessary for both BDS and MBBS.
Q: What is the minimum marks requirement for Medical College admission?
A: The minimum requirement for Medical College admission is 55% (110/200 marks).
Is there negative marking in MDCAT 2023?
A: No, there is no negative marking in MDCAT 2023.
What is the time duration for MDCAT Test?
A: Candidates are given a duration of 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete the MDCAT paper.
Where can candidates find the answer keys for the MDCAT paper?
A: The answer keys will be uploaded on the official websites of the universities that are taking test in provinces (Punjab,Sindh,KPK,Balochistan,Azad Jamu and Khasmire and Federal
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