In this article, we will guide you through the entire procedure of how to apply for MDCAT rechecking, the reasons why you should apply for rechecking, and whether it will be beneficial for you or not.

Reasons why you should apply for rechecking.
Candidates may consider result rechecking for the following reasons:
- Verification of Marks: Rechecking allows candidates to verify their obtained marks to ensure accuracy.
- Discrepancies: If a candidate believes that there might be a discrepancy in their result, they can request rechecking for a fair evaluation.
- Correction of Errors: In case of any computational mistakes or errors in totaling, the rechecking process can lead to the correction of such issues.
- Updated Result: If any changes are made during the rechecking process, a revised result will be issued to the candidate.
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How to Apply for MDCAT Result Rechecking
Follow these steps to apply for MDCAT result rechecking:
- Online Application: Visit the official website of the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) and access the portal for result rechecking.
- Applicant CNIC: Enter your CNIC (Candidate’s National Identity Card) on the portal.
- Submit and Select Paper Code: Click on the “Submit” button after entering your CNIC. Then, select the paper code for the MDCAT examination you appeared for.
- Upload Carbon Copy PDF: Upload the PDF of your MDCAT answer sheet’s carbon copy on the portal.
- Generate Fee Challan: The portal will generate a fee challan for result rechecking. Download and print the challan.
- Deposit Fees: Take the printed fee challan to the nearest branch of Habib Bank Ltd. (HBL) and deposit the prescribed online fees amounting to Rs. 2000/-
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Important Points Related to Rechecking
- The rechecking process does not guarantee an increase in marks, as it solely focuses on verifying computational accuracy and tallying total marks.
- In some cases, marks may decrease if any errors are identified during the rechecking process.
- Candidates must carefully review their results before opting for rechecking, as there are no reassessment or re-evaluation procedures.
- Once the rechecking committee completes the process, and if changes are made, a revised result will be issued to the candidate.
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