NUMS Paper 2023 with key [ MCQ’S Answer Explanation ]

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  • Post last modified:June 16, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Are you looking for the NUMS paper 2023 answer key? You are in the right place. In this article, we will provide you with the original NUMS paper answer key with answer explanation.

nums paper 2023 key with answer explanation a very precise image

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To see the NUM’S original paper 2023 in PDF form, click below. You can also see the paper pattern and MCQs pattern. You can also find solved past papers with answer keys on GOALMDCAT.COM

MDCAT 2023 Paper

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NUMS Preparation

Here is Guidance how to prepare for NUM’S easily.

Understanding the Test Structure

Before diving into the specific preparation tips, let’s briefly understand the structure of the entry test. The test consists of 180 multiple-choice questions, and it’s divided into three main subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

Biology Preparation

1. Study the National Book Foundation’s Biology Book

To excel in the biology section, start by studying the National Book Foundation’s Biology Book. It’s a comprehensive resource that covers all the essential topics you’ll encounter in the test.

2. Punjab Test Book Board Material

In addition to the National Book Foundation’s book, make use of the study material provided by the Punjab Test Book Board. This additional resource will help you gain a more in-depth understanding of biology concepts.

Chemistry Preparation

3. NUMS Booklet for Practice

The chemistry section of the NUMS entry test is based on general principles of chemistry. To prepare effectively, it’s recommended to use the NUMS Booklet for practice. It contains a wide range of questions that will help you become familiar with the subject matter.

4. Master the Basic Concepts

While practicing with the NUMS Booklet, pay special attention to mastering the basic concepts of chemistry. A strong foundation in fundamentals will be invaluable during the test.

Physics Preparation

5. Focus on Theoretical and Numerical Components

The physics section is often considered challenging. It consists of both theoretical and numerical questions. To prepare adequately, ensure that you practice both types of questions regularly.

6. NUMS Booklet for Physics

Just like in chemistry, the NUM’S Booklet provides practice questions for physics as well. Utilize this resource to enhance your problem-solving skills and grasp of physics concepts.

English Preparation

7. Practice English Questions

Don’t overlook the importance of the English section. To do well, practice English questions in advance. Pay special attention to grammar, errors, and tenses.

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you have a mistake in mcq:30 the correct option is work


can you plz make me clear of mcq no:30


mcq no:30 of nums paper physics portion


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