ESP32 Library for Proteus

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Hello friends, I hope you all are doing well. In today’s tutorial, we see the How Download, Install and simulating ESP32 library for Proteus. As we all know, ESP32 is a prominent microcontroller board widely used in IoT projects, succeeding the popular ESP8266 and NodeMCU. Although Proteus software may not handle WiFi or BLE technology, it doesn’t mean we can’t simulate and design circuits using ESP32. In this guide, we will explore the process step by step.

ESP32 Library for Proteus

ESP32 Library Pin Configuration

ESP32 Library Pin ConfigurationDescription
VCCPower supply voltage for the ESP32 module.
GNDGround connection for the ESP32 module.
TXDTransmit Data – Serial data output from ESP32 to other devices.
RXDReceive Data – Serial data input to ESP32 from other devices.
GPIOGeneral Purpose Input/Output pins for digital communication.
ENEnable Pin – Used to enable or disable the ESP32 module.
BOOTBoot Pin – Determines the boot mode of the ESP32 module.
3V33.3V Output – Provides a regulated 3.3V output for external components.
5V5V Input – External power supply input for the ESP32 module.
RSTReset Pin – Used to reset the ESP32 module.

Benefits of ESP32 Library for Proteus

Benefits of ESP32 Library for ProteusDescription
1. Ease of IntegrationThe library simplifies the integration of ESP32 boards into Proteus, streamlining the simulation process for IoT projects.
2. Comprehensive Component SupportWith the ESP32 Library, users gain access to a wide array of components and modules, enhancing the versatility of their simulations.
3. Optimized for SpaceThe library is designed to be compact, ensuring minimal space consumption within the Proteus workspace. This optimization allows users to incorporate additional components into their projects.
4. Time-Efficient SimulationsSimulating ESP32 boards in Proteus becomes a quick and efficient task, enabling developers to save valuable time during the testing phase of their projects.
5. User-Friendly InterfaceThe integration process is user-friendly, catering to both novice and experienced developers. This accessibility promotes a more inclusive approach to microcontroller simulations.
6. Enhanced Circuit DesignUsers can leverage the ESP32 Library to design intricate circuits, exploring the full potential of the ESP32 microcontroller within the Proteus environment.
7. Simulation AccuracyThe library ensures accuracy in simulating ESP32 functionalities, allowing developers to assess the performance of their projects realistically.
8. Compatibility with Blink LED ExampleDevelopers can easily simulate the Blink LED example with the ESP32 board, facilitating the testing of basic functionalities within the Proteus platform.
9. Educational ValueThe ESP32 Library serves as an educational resource, providing a practical tool for students and enthusiasts to learn and experiment with microcontroller simulations.
10. Community SupportBeing part of a vibrant community, users of the ESP32 Library for Proteus benefit from shared knowledge, troubleshooting tips, and collaborative development efforts.

Video Tutorial: Installation Made Easy

Worried about the installation process? Check out our video tutorial guiding you through the library installation and usage.

We understand the importance of visual aids, and our tutorial ensures a smooth experience for users of all levels.
How to add ESP32 Library for Proteus by Schematic World

ESP32 Library for Proteus

1. Download the Library

To begin with, download the Proteus Library for the ESP32 board. Click on the button below to access the zip file.

2. Add Library Files

Open the downloaded zip file and locate the “Proteus Library File” folder. Inside, you’ll find two crucial library files – ESP32TEP.IDX and ESP32TEP.LIB.

Open the downloaded zip file and locate the "Proteus Library File" folder. Inside, you'll find two crucial library files - ESP32TEP.IDX and ESP32TEP.LIB.

Add these files to the Library folder of your Proteus software.

Adding ESP32 to Proteus

3. Restart Proteus

If Proteus is already running, restart it to ensure it reads the newly added library files.

4. Search for ESP32

Open the components Library in Proteus and search for “ESP32.” If everything is set up correctly, you should find the ESP32 board in the search results.

Open the components Library in Proteus and search for "ESP32." If everything is set up correctly, you should find the ESP32 board in the search results.

5. Add ESP32 to Project

Double-click on the ESP32 module to add it to your project. Drag and drop it onto the Proteus workspace. We’ve optimized the library to ensure it takes up minimal space, providing room for additional components.

Simulating ESP32 in Proteus

6. Designing the Circuit

We will simulate the ESP32 board by running a Blink LED example since WiFi and BLE capabilities can’t be implemented in the simulation. Design a simple circuit with an LED connected to Pin #13 of the ESP32.

We will simulate the ESP32 board by running a Blink LED example since WiFi and BLE capabilities can't be implemented in the simulation. Design a simple circuit with an LED connected to Pin #13 of the ESP32.

7. Modifying LED Properties

In the Properties Panel of the LED, change the Model Type from Analog to Digital.

8. Arduino Code for ESP32

Open Arduino IDE and navigate to File>Examples, selecting the Blink LED example code for Arduino UNO. Compile the code and obtain the hex file.

9. Adding Hex File to Proteus

In the Properties Panel of the ESP32 board, add the hex file location in the Program File section.

In the Properties Panel of the ESP32 board, add the hex file location in the Program File section.

ESP32 Simulation Results

If all steps are followed correctly, your simulation should yield results similar to the figure below.

If all steps are followed correctly, your simulation should yield results similar to the figure below.


That concludes our guide on simulating the ESP32 board in Proteus software. We hope you found this tutorial helpful in understanding the process. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask in the comments. Until the next tutorial, take care and have fun experimenting with ESP32 in Proteus!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Can I simulate WiFi or BLE capabilities in Proteus using ESP32?
    • No, Proteus does not support WiFi or BLE simulations for the ESP32 board.
  2. Where can I download the ESP32 Library for Proteus?
    • You can download the library by clicking on the provided link in the article.
  3. What is the significance of changing the LED Model Type to Digital?
    • Changing the Model Type ensures accurate simulation of digital signals in Proteus.
  4. How do I obtain the hex file from Arduino IDE?
    • The article provides a resource link on “How to Get the Hex File from Arduino IDE.”
  5. What other projects can I simulate with the ESP32 in Proteus?
    • The ESP32 can be used to simulate various IoT projects by interfacing with different sensors and modules.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. hanen

    please send me the datasheet of this carde esp32

  2. John Kapauo

    Is it possible to upload data to cloud service using the ESP32 simulation in proteus?

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Engr. Ummar

Hi; My name is Muhammad Ummar. I am Bsc. Electrical Engineer. I create the Schematic World Youtube channel in 2020. In this channel I create the video related to proteus library and tutorial. Now; I join GoalMdcat as Writer.