Turkey Burslari Scholarship (fully funded scholarships)

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  • Post last modified:February 9, 2024
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Turkey Burslari Scholarship is one of the most prestigious opportunities available for international students, offered annually by the Turkish government, this scholarship is a golden ticket for those looking to pursue their higher education at one of Turkey’s top universities, completely free of cost.

fully funded scholarship turkey burslari scholarship is written on image

Turkey Burslari Scholarship Benefits

The Turkey Scholarship is not just a financial aid program; it’s a comprehensive package designed to eliminate any barriers to your education. Recipients enjoy a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Full Tuition Fee Coverage: Say goodbye to the burden of tuition fees, as the scholarship fully covers your educational expenses.
  • Monthly Stipend: Depending on your level of study, you’ll receive a monthly stipend to cover living expenses, allowing you to focus solely on your studies.
  • Free Accommodation: Comfortable living arrangements are provided, ensuring you have a home away from home.
  • Health Insurance: Stay healthy and secure with comprehensive health coverage.
  • Round-trip Flight Tickets: Begin and end your academic journey with ease, thanks to provided flight tickets.
  • Turkish Language Course: Dive into the Turkish culture with a one-year language course, enhancing your integration and experience.
Level of StudyMonthly Stipend (TL)Approx. in USD
Undergraduate1,100 TL$150 USD
Master’s1,600 TL$217 USD
PhD2,400 TL$325 USD
Monthly Stipend Table
turkey burslari scholarship

Key Dates and Application Process

The Turkey Burslari Scholarship Program announces its application window every year on January 10th, closing on February 20th, 2024. This period is crucial for prospective candidates to prepare and submit their applications through a streamlined online process. Here’s how you can embark on this journey:

  1. Visit the official Turkey Scholarship website.
  2. Create an account and fill out the application form with your details on turkey burslari scholarship login.
  3. Upload the necessary documents.
  4. Select your preferred universities and programs.
  5. Submit your application before the deadline.

Remember, the early bird catches the worm. Starting your application process as soon as possible gives you ample time to gather all required documents and craft a compelling application.

Eligibility Criteria

The Turkey Scholarship Program seeks bright minds from across the globe. Eligibility criteria include:

  • Age and academic achievement thresholds specific to each level of study.
  • A minimum of 70% marks for undergraduate applicants and 75% for graduate applicants.
  • Special requirements for health sciences students, who must have at least 90% marks.

Selection Process

The selection process is thorough, comprising preliminary evaluations, expert reviews, and interviews. This multi-stage approach ensures that only the most deserving candidates are awarded the scholarship. Your academic achievements, career aspirations, and extracurricular involvements play a significant role in the selection process.

Required Documents for Application

Preparing your application requires attention to detail. Ensure you have the following documents ready for Turkey Burslari Scholarship :

  • Valid identification document (passport or national ID)
  • Recent photograph
  • Academic diplomas and transcripts
  • Scores from international exams (if applicable)
  • Language proficiency certificates (if applicable)

Application Tips and Tricks

Standing out in a pool of talented applicants requires strategy. Here are some tips to enhance your application:

  • Highlight your achievements: Don’t be shy about showcasing your extracurricular activities and accomplishments.
  • Craft a compelling letter of intent: Explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the scholarship and how studying in Turkey aligns with your career goals.
  • Research your preferred universities and programs thoroughly to make informed choices.
turkey burslari scholarship complete procedure how to apply and complete criteria to gain this scholarship.

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The Turkey Burslari Scholarship Program opens doors to a world of opportunities, offering a full spectrum of benefits to ensure a rewarding educational journey. With its comprehensive support system, the program not only alleviates financial burdens but also enriches your academic and cultural experience.

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Q: Can I apply if I’m currently in my final year of high school/undergraduate program?

A: Yes, candidates expecting to graduate before the scholarship’s commencement date are eligible to apply.

Q: Is the scholarship available for all fields of study?

A: Most fields are covered, but specific eligibility may vary by program. Check the official website for detailed information

Q: Do I need to know Turkish to apply?

A: No, but you’ll undergo a Turkish language course if selected, enhancing your immersion into Turkey’s cultural and academic life.

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